Kristen Schenkel shares her thoughts about her Susie Gilmore Wall Portrait.
“I was blown away when I first saw my wall portrait at Wake Dental Care in
Cary, NC. I knew it was a great photo because I bought a smaller size,
but seeing it in a large Wall Portrait made the emotion come alive.
I bought the Wall Portrait at Susie Gilmore’s 30% off Sample Sale for portraits
which have been displayed in the community. We hung it on the wall as you enter
into our living room. I can view it from anywhere and it brings a smile to my
heart. Everyone who visits comments on it’s beauty and the emotion it provokes.
It is so detailed that my husband Aaron noticed you can see the little
peach fuzz on my son’s shoulders.
This is my first baby and we had such a special and unique bond considering I was
alone during my pregnancy and Aaron was away at school the first 5 1/2 months of
Eli’s life. I just felt as if this portrait captures that special connection
that no one understands until they hold their baby. That secret language
between mom and baby that whispers “You are a dream come true.” I think as a new
mom you struggle during those first few months adjusting to who you are now that you
are a mom and your body and life has changed. This portrait shows how although I may
feel like a frazzled mess adjusting to mommyhood, my life has never been more beautiful.
I would definitely recommend others to take advantage of the wall portrait
sale. It is a gift to myself that I will always have, Susie captured a moment between
my son and I that I will never get back. I have a little saying in my room that says,
“Please don’t let me be so busy making a living, that I forget to make a life.” I feel
like Susie’s portrait reminds me to pause and enjoy those little special moments in life
that we are so blessed to have and sometimes forget because we let the stress of everyday
life get in the way.”
- Kristen Schenkel Cary, NC
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